Course Syllabus

Canvas-Begin with the End in Mind

For: MS and HS teachers who are beginning to use Canvas

Course Description:

Two approaches are modeled for setting up your home page to reflect how your online course is organized.  

Planning your course structure first will assist development of specific content and improve navigation for future students. 

Even if you have already started creating content in Canvas, you may apply these suggestions to improve overall cohesiveness for a more pleasant user experience.

Bring your curriculum guide, including sequence and scope of units taught in a course, as well as content material for a specific unit that you would like to start building in Canvas.   

Bring your own laptop.

Led by: Melissa Phillips -a Phase 2 Digital Learning Leader at Johnson City Schools


Design Canvas Course Syllabus

  1. Starting Point: Assumptions and Canvas experience polled. Login.
  2. Why care? Considering user perspectives of teachers and students as a guide.
  3. Design Goals: Tasks and outcomes for participants this session.
  4. Create Frame: Plan and build a course framework using Modules as curriculum unit “containers” for all resources including lessons, multimedia, and activities.
  5. Choose Home: Select your Home Page layout and build a Front Page if needed.
  6. Customize Links:  Manage student navigation and create a Contents Page menu with links to your Modules or specific resources.
  7. Student View: Preview and test your course to debug before publishing to students.

  Target Models and other Resources are provided on the HOME page.

   Target Models: Examine different layouts of Home Page and implications for course structure and student engagement.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due